Papers can be downloaded here
Liu, X., & Allen, T. J. (2014). A study of linguistic politeness in Japanese. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 4(05), 651-663. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojml.2014.45056
Allen, T. (2015). Implications in Aizuchi Research: What Can Japanese L1 Participants Tell Researchers? Responses from a Pilot Study. Linguistics Journal, 9(1), 153-172.
Allen, T. J. (2019). “It has the ability to make the other person feel comfortable”: L1 Japanese speakers’ folk descriptions of aizuchi. Lingua, 230, 102737. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2019.102737
Allen, T. J. (2019). Facilitating graduate student and faculty member writing groups: experiences from a university in Japan. Higher Education Research & Development, 38(3), 435-449. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2019.1574721
Allen, T. J. (2020). Reflections on academic writing as an early career researcher. Academe: first forays into academic writing: a journal on the art of academic writing, 3(2), 33-40.
Allen, T. J. (2021). Exploring students’ perceptions about intercultural communication education: Rethinking the design and facilitation of a course in Japan. Intercultural Communication Education, 4 (3), 213–233 https://doi.org/10.29140/ice.v4n3.475
Allen T.J. (2021) Infrastructure, Literacy and Communication: The Challenges of Emergency Remote Teaching in a University in Japan. In: Chen J. (eds), Emergency Remote Teaching and Beyond: Voices from World Language Teachers and Researchers. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84067-9_2
Allen, T. J. , & Liu, X. (2022). The Sociopragmatic Activities and Cultural Significance of an Izakaya. The Journal of Asian Linguistic Anthropology, 4 (1), 29-51
Liu, X., & Allen, T. J. (2022). 居酒屋はなぜ「心を満たす」場所なのか―スピーチレベルの視点からの考察―. Journal of Japanese Culture, 92, 381-394
Allen, T. J. (2022). Assessing Intercultural Competence Using Situational Judgement Tests: Reports from an EMI Course in Japan. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10(13), 405-427.
Allen, T. J., & Ramonda, K. (2023). Study abroad during a pandemic: The impact of remote learning and social distancing on student experiences. 関西大学外国語学部紀要 [Journal of Foreign Language Studies], 28, 93-108. doi/10.32286/00028118